Mountain Tapir
Tapirus pinchaque (T. roulin)
Weight: About
225 kg.
Habitat: It
inhabits montane forests at altitudes of
1400-4700m. It occurs most frequently between 2000-4300m in scrub habitats,
dominated by stunted trees and shrubs.
Age to Maturity: 2.5-3.5 years.
Gestation Period: 390-400 days.
Birth Season: Breeding apparently occurs throughout the year.
Birth Rate: 1 young is usually born at a time; rarely 2.
Maximum Age: 30 years.
Diet: Its
diet includes ferns and plant shoots.
Threats: Its
decline has been caused mainly by habitat loss through clearing (often by
burning) for agriculture and livestock. Hunting for meat and sport has also
been a factor.