Malayan Tapir
Tapirus indicus
Weight: 250-300kg
Habitat: It
utilizes various forested habitats, including swamp, lowland, montane and hill forest. It prefers dense primary
rainforest, near water bodies such as streams or swamps.
Age to Maturity: 2.5 to 3.5 years
Gestation Period: 390-403 days.
Birth Season: Breeding occurs in April - June, with the young being born
about 13 months later.
Birth Rate: 1 calf per litter probably every 2 years.
Maximum Age: 30 years (captivity).
Diet: Diet
includes grasses, aquatic plants, leaves, buds, soft twigs and fruits of
low-growing shrubs. Green shoots are preferred.
Threats: Reasons
for its decline have included capture for the live animal trade; over-hunting;
and habitat loss, especially forest clearing for agricultural purposes.