Gorilla gorilla
Weight: Females
70-140kg; males 135-275 kg.
Habitat: They
are forest-associated animals. Most inhabit lowland tropical rainforests
and montane rainforests between 1500-3500m.
Age to Maturity: Females 7-8 years; males 9-10 years.
Gestation Period: 251-295 days.
Birth Rate: 1 young every 3.5-4.5 years
Maximum Age: 35 years (wild). 54 years (captive).
Diet: The
diets of the eastern and western species differ considerably. Eastern
animals are predominantly folivorous, but those
in the west eat great quantities of fruit. Eastern species feed primarily
on leaves, shoots and stems. They rarely drink - they get their moisture
from the plants they eat.
Threats: Hunting
and forest clearance for agriculture and timber are the main threats.