Black Rhinoceros
Diceros bicornis
Weight: 950-1800
Habitat: Found
in semi-desert, bush country with thick cover, grasslands, and in montane savanna and rain forest up to 3500m. All rhinos
are dependent on mudholes for wallowing.
Age to Maturity: Females 5-7 years old; males 7-8 years old. Gestation Period: 14-16 months.
Birth Season: Births are possible during any month, but a peak occurs
from the end of the rainy season through to the middle of the dry season.
Birth Rate: 1 Young/2-4 years.
Maximum Age: 40 years.
Diet: It
browses on a wide variety of plants. It drinks almost every day when water
is available from pools or rivers.
Threats: In
the last several decades, killing to obtain the horn has been the
predominant cause of mortality.