European Mink
Mustela lutreola
Weight: Female
up to 440g; male up to740g.
Habitat: It
inhabits the densely vegetated banks of creeks, rivers and lakes. It is rarely
found more than 100m from fresh water.
Age to Maturity: 10 months.
Gestation Period: 5-10 weeks.
Birth Season: Mating takes place from February - March. Births occur in
April and May.
Birth Rate: 2-7 young per litter, usually 4 or 5.
Maximum Age: At least 6 years (12 years in captivity).
Diet: It
is a carnivore. It eats small mammals (especially the water vole), birds,
frogs, molluscs, crabs, fish and insects.
Threats: Reasons
for its decline include hunting, habitat loss, water pollution and
competition with its American species, which was introduced into Europe in 1926 for fur