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Cuban Solenodon

Solenodon cubanus (Atopogale cubana)

Weight: 700-1000g

Habitat: It is found in dense, humid forests and brush country, as well as around plantations.

Age to Maturity: Young remain with their mother for several months, which is exceptionally long for insectivores

Birth Rate: 1 or 2 young per litter.

Diet: Insects and spiders found in soil and leaf litter form most of its diet.

Threats: Introduction of the Burmese mongoose into Cuba is believed to have accounted for their near-extermination. Currently, feral cats are probably the greatest threat, since the areas they inhabit now is not good mongoose habitat. In addition to predation by introduced predators, habitat loss is also a factor contributing to their rarity. It is not hunted for food.





























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